I know it’s been really quite with BNL this year and that there haven’t been any way to purchase new content or order customs on the regular. I do sincerely apologize for that and I appreciate all of you who have been patiently waiting and checking in from time-to-time. I know my social media presence is also limited; all of which is not due to me not wanting to be there but because the powers-that-be are fucking cunts. So, yeah, not naming names — Instagram — or anything but with the accounts I have at Facebook and Twitter, I’ve still been posting here and there.

I’ve also been focusing on getting our other project (www.pumpthatpedal.com) store open. Now that is wrapping up, I can get back to this. But if you do need a boots & leather fix from the girls here you love so much, there is a TON of that content mixed in with pedal pumping clips. So depending on what you like, there could be a potential treasure trove over there.

Anyways, I’m still here and while I’ve been quiet I haven’t gone anywhere. Please bear with me a little longer.

Categories: News